Program Calendar - 2024-25 Classes
August 26th: Classes Begin September 2nd: Labor Day - Studio Closed
September 16th - 21st: Bring a Friend to Dance Week TBA: Bellefonte Homecoming Parade
September 27th: Penn State Homecoming Parade October 31st: Halloween - Studio Closed
November 24th-30th: Thanksgiving Break - Studio Closed
December 22nd - January 5th: Winter Break - Studio Closed
March 9th - 16th: Spring Break - Studio Closed May 5th: Last Day of Dance Classes
May 6th - 8th: Recital Dress Rehearsal May 9th - 10th: Projected Recital Dates
May 12th - 14th: Picture Week May 17th: Competitive Team Auditions
June 9th: Summer Session Begins